Tahun 2014 - Tahun 2019 Jumlah Tersangka Kasus ...

URL: http://data.gresikkab.go.id/dataset/38c6a206-b6e5-491b-a027-bc0a74aa6a97/resource/6c37912e-0593-4ac0-b68f-c09777fafa5a/download/4.4.4-jumlah-tersangka-kasus-tindak-pidana-narkotika-dan-tindak-pidana-pencucian-uang-di-kabupat.csv

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Field Nilai
Data last updated June 30, 2020
Metadata last updated June 30, 2020
Dibuat June 30, 2020
Format text/csv
Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 4 year ago
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 4 year ago
on same domainTrue
package id38c6a206-b6e5-491b-a027-bc0a74aa6a97
revision id96fe4f26-8cc8-411a-8694-f58ce3aaca41
size388 bytes
url typeupload