Tahun 2019 - Jumlah Keluarga Tahapan Sejahtera ...

URL: http://data.gresikkab.go.id/dataset/b1c3b111-db27-4431-8618-5abbcbf6dabd/resource/a9a9df89-79b6-4e8a-93cd-b27b29b01b62/download/244.csv

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Kamus Data

Kolom Tipe Label Deskripsi
Desa/Kelurahan text
Jumlah KK text
Pra Sejahtera text
S. I text
S.II text
S.III text
S.III Plus text

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Data last updated November 30, 2020
Metadata last updated November 30, 2020
Dibuat November 30, 2020
Format text/csv
Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 3 year ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 3 year ago
on same domainTrue
package idb1c3b111-db27-4431-8618-5abbcbf6dabd
revision id3a926860-b91a-4bed-af35-b7d806480399
size863 bytes
url typeupload