Tahun 2018 - Banyaknya Permintaan Darah ...

URL: http://data.gresikkab.go.id/dataset/9c28b29c-56c9-441c-889f-46e847afc448/resource/50528cd6-f09e-409b-b34f-2beabb4ebdb1/download/4.2.13-banyaknya-permintaan-darah-menurut-jenis-golongan-darah-dikabupaten-gresik-2018.csv

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Field Nilai
Data last updated July 6, 2020
Metadata last updated July 6, 2020
Dibuat July 6, 2020
Format text/csv
Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 4 year ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 4 year ago
on same domainTrue
package id9c28b29c-56c9-441c-889f-46e847afc448
revision idb62bd203-11fd-4564-82c6-201ae5176527
size458 bytes
url typeupload